Inicio: 09/Ago/2012
Processadores de pagamento: Perfect Money, Liberty Reserve
Planos de Investimento:
Unico, 3%/dia por 90 dias de Semana (2ª a 6ª; Inicial retorna no fim)
Investimento Minimo: $10
Coumpounding: Não
Comissões ref:
5%/ref 1º Nivel
2%/ref 2º Nivel
1%/ref 3º Nivel
SSL: Sim, "VeriSign Class 3 Extended Validation SSL CA, 4096bits" por "Comodo"
DDoS:Sim, por "Staminus"
Outras informações: Apresenta um certificado de registo de companhia, numero 2903187
(Podem ver registo em:
New York State - Corporations, State Records UCC (Avo, Inc))
Certificado: Ver Certificado AQUI
Comentários / Observações:
Pertence a uma empresa que esta registada desde 07/05/2003, pelo que não foi criada com o propósito de servir de fachada a este hyip.
Tem dominio comprado até 06/10/2021, pelo que não é suposto "arrebentar" ao fim de 2/3 semanas.
Ou muito me engano, ou este hyip, apesar do alto rendimento, vai durar algum tempo. Caso contrario, vou perder aqui um pouco mais do que costumo, hehehe
Como de costume nos meus hyips, ofereco um refback / rcb de 50% para depositos acima de $50
WhoIs Info:
Expiration Date: 2021-10-06
Creation Date: 1996-10-07
Name Servers:
Registrant Contact Information:
Robert Hayden ()
6801 19th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11204
Pagamentos: - Provas de pagamento
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AVO INC is a large-scale asset management company in the United States of America that was founded in 1996 and became incorporated in 2003. AVO INC was created by a group of professional traders, qualified experts, skilled analysts and experienced bankers with well-diversified areas of expertise such as stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, energies, raw materials and mutual funds with having more than 15 years of extensive practical experiences of combined skills, knowledge, talents, creativity, intelligences and capabilities to allow for participation in the business market within a safe and non-risk investment environment.
AVO INC by continuously optimizing its management strategies, business policies, investment methods and human resources wins a stable and privileged development with a subtle consideration and estimation on various factors including credit, liquidity, market, operational, strategic and compliance risks. These enable our clients to diversify their investment portfolios while taking advantage of our highly profitable opportunities. Our customer-centered manner, impeccable reputation and innovative approach to business development drove our success in our offline business, and is fueling our current online expansion.
In 2011, AVO INC started expanding its client circle and increasing capital through offering investment opportunities to millions of internet users worldwide who highly appreciate time and want to take financial decisions. This growth has both strengthened the company's capital base and increased the opportunities for profit generation.
The impeccable business practices of AVO INC and our reputation for paying guaranteed profits with exceptional returns have become the hallmark of our success. Today, there are many well-known investment companies founded on the principles that AVO pioneered, and many corporations and individuals have found AVO INC a rewarding place to invest. We hope you will join us and discover these rewards for yourself.
Última edição por Titito em Dom 04 Nov 2012, 23:24, editado 12 vez(es) (Motivo da edição : 1º edit: Acrescentar o minimo investimento; 2º edit: Acrescentar link do tópico de provas de pagamento; 3º edit: alterar os dominios dos banners e reflinks; 4º edit: voltar a alterar os dominios dos banners e reflinks)
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