Com muita dificuldade para manter o site no ar... Desloga muitas vezes, e dámuitas vezes erro nas captchas... Para além de ter imensa piada, que os 10 cliques, aparecem feitos automaticamente lol
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Pgalante escreveu:Com muita dificuldade para manter o site no ar... Desloga muitas vezes, e dámuitas vezes erro nas captchas... Para além de ter imensa piada, que os 10 cliques, aparecem feitos automaticamente lol
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The last time I was out in the uk, I showed leaders where we are financially to help carry forward calm during any type of problem we have.
What is the problem we face? We're growing bigger. The more we grow, the less I can personally respond to everyone.
The more we grow, the more servers we'll need. We out grew a single server setup, which is a lot easier to manage. We have now 3 servers, and people are logged into either 1 or the other, while we also have a 3rd database server.
The main 2 problems.
1. captchas
2. logging out while surfing
The main thing with captchas is -- they work for most people. It truly does. just we only hear from the people who have problems. So we switched to google captcha, but it's also not working for people, while others the previous didn't work for is now working perfectly fine.
So why does it work for so many people and not work for others? that's something we can't figure out, and it takes tests and trying different things.. and through trial/error .. people bump into a problem here and there.
Logging out issues was attempted to be resolved this morning by synchronizing sessions, but then it caused people the problem of not being able to login...
Still working on that one, and possibly will be switching to the same host clixsense is using (hivelocity) since they are experienced with handling multiple server connections and maintaining sessions through a server cross over.
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