sfarfals2 escreveu:"Caros amigos, SOMOS ESPECIAIS!!!!!!
O pessoal do forum ptctuga recebe pagamentos quando estes sao selectivos *.*"
Ganha juizo, e vai viver a tua vida
O user "marcossoares" é membro do ptctuga e veio aqui PROVAR que tem um pagamento pendente há 2 meses! É melhor Parares de MENTIR sobre factos REAIS!!
Vocês que Mentem dessa maneira não merecem credibilidade nenhuma.
A Deco, as autoridades indianas, a Sundayworld e muitos bloggers e muitas pessoas honestas, reputadas e isentas em relação a este assunto estão de acordo que a Bannersbroker é uma FRAUDE sofisticada e complexa do tipo piramidal. para mim essas entidades merecem muito mais respeito do que membros anónimos que vêm para estes forums tentar convencer do contrario ignorando os factos reais e mentindo repetidamente sobre isso. É o vosso disco da MENTIRA que até já enjoa.
nem todas as fraudes têm a mesma anatomia e modo de funcionamente e sofrem algumas metamorfoses para poderem roubar mais quando os novos depósitos começam a diminuir.
Abaixo estão 10 razões e muitos factos que provam com clareza que a Bannersbroker não é um negócio legítimo:
"1. Banners Broker is a straight line doubler -
A straight line doubler is a common format for internet money making schemes. You buy in and pay your money, then you spread the word about the business. When more people pay in, enough to pay the existing members double their money, they get paid. There is normally an automatic reinvestment of 50% of the profits, sound familiar? These formats are found throughout the net, they are not new algorythms of buying and selling ads. Just google straight line doubler and you will see many sites such as Easiest Money Maker - Fast Money Doubler showing you how you can double your money in pretty much exactly the same way banners broker does. This site was registered in 1995, long before BB invented the ground breaking algorythm.
2. Payment Processors
When have you ever went to a legitimate business online, that dont accept things like credit debit card, paypal etc. These are the biggest most widely accepted payment processoers in the world, for a reason. They are the safest most convenient way of paying for this in the world. So why would a business like Banners Broker not accept them? Because with a credit card or paypal, you get buyer protection. If something goes wrong, you can issue a chargeback, and get your money back. Now why would a legitimate business not accept these?
3. A business or a charity
Is BB supposed to be a business or a charity? If i had figured out a way that I could buy and sell something for a profit, I would certainly not be doing my best to tell everyone in the world how to do it, I would be keeping it secret, doubling my cash every day until i was rich beyond my wildest dreams.
But not The guy behind BB, Chris Smith, he aparently wanted to change the world, by helping the little guy, so he decided to start banners broker the charity to help spread the word. Awfully charitable if you ask me.
4. There are no ads
Banners Broker has found a convenient way of hiding behind what is known as a "blind network", this basically means you can promote your ad for your website, but you dont know what website its going to be advertised on. It's like the bargain bucket of web advertising. If you want to pay good money, you can go to google or facebook.
Banners broker will show you a few choice ads, that are placed on sites with very low traffic and that are very low quality. Never enough traffic to fulfill all the impressions supposedly being generated to complete all the panels in BB.
5. Traffic packs
The idea of buying a traffic pack in the online advertising business to send more traffic to ads that you are publishing is just ridiculous. In no advertising network, blind or other, is it acceptable to drive fake generated traffic to your adverts in order to make money more quickly.
And theres good reasons for this, if you are an advertiser, unless you are getting real interested potential customers checking out your ads, you wont get any sales, and you certainly wont invest any more money in that advertising company. There is no market for such poor quality ads, not in any blind network.
6. Day to day business
Lets talk about the day to day business of Banners Broker. Now this is a company that is supposedly in the business of buying and selling ad space for a profit. Now surelyu this should be what takes up most of their time in their day to day business. Well why does 100% of their time consist of trying to recruit people to join them in making money, creating forums for the people who join them, creating customer service (a very poor one at that) for the people who join them. World tours trying to get people to join the business.
To me this sounds more like the day to day goings on, of a company who rely on getting new members as their source of income, not a company who buys and sells ad space as their main business.
7. The founders
I already touched on Chris Smith and how charitable he is. So what about his right hand man Rajiv Dixit? Raj ran a company called ICF world homes. This was shut down by the canadian authorities for being a pyramid scam. Now i know sometimes legitimate MLM companies get wrongly labelled as pyramid scams. And i wont go into the fine line that often seperates them in various opportunities, but this particular scam was shut down, and no one received any refund, unless I am mistaken I have not found any reference to this. Have a quick google of ICF world homes and you will see how that one unfolded. So with the history of the director of Banners Broker, I'll let you decide on wether he managed to change the error of his ways and get involved in the biggest most ground breaking business to hit the market... or just another elaborate internet scam?
8. Open discussion/feedback
A multi million dollar company in the 21st century, has to focus on customer satisfaction. It has to be able to take customer feedback and criticism and adapt is business to suit. It has to be open and transparent about its dealings and its business, especially to its investors.
So why in Banners Broker are there so many cases of peoples accounts being frozen, and no refunds given, just for asking too many questions or querying the business?
How can a legitimate business just freeze an account and not give a refund.
No refunds are given in the company, this was evident recently when a radio station in ireland done a piece on BB and investors were swamping the lines saying they have been trying to get a refund and just kept hitting a brick wall.
9. Common sense
Alot of people seem to have thrown all comon sense out the window when they invested in Banners Broker. These are tough times we live in just now, were all in a deep recession (apart from China), and I guess people are clutching at straws in the hope that they might have founf a way out.
So BB guarantees to "double your money as many times as you want", or at least it did until they banned the use of the phrase double, which is strange for a straight line doubler. But anyway... How can you just keep doubling something? And how can you just keep doubling something for as many people as you want?
If you had the supply and demand of advertising space to double an infinite amount of money for an infinite amount of people, there would need to be an infinite amount of advertisers, an infinite amount of publishers, and an infinite amount of web traffic.
However common sense tells us this isnt possible. You cant just keep doubling something for ever, there isnt a finite amount of the aforementioned resources.
10. India
Last but certainly not least, the raid and closure of the Indian Banners Broker offices by the police. Charging the business with operating a pyramid scam in the country.
Now will this be the start of the end for Banners Broker, or will they manage to wriggle out of it, because they do have advertisers, and they do have publishers. You can sign up as either by visiting their site. But anyone involved in the industry knows this is not enough for the supply and demand of all the "ad/pub combo affiliates" in the business. Will it be enough to tie the authorities up in a long drawn out investigation? Will they be shut down and convicted or running a scam?
Who knows how it will unfold, but one thing is for sure, there wont be any Indian affiliates withdrawing and cash any time soon out of Banners Broker, which is in my opinion just the biggest most well orchestrated ponzi scam of recent times."
Source: http://www.moneymakingexperts.org/f7/10-reasons-why-banners-broker-not-legitimate-business-379/
anfil89 escreveu:Fgold já pediste algum pagamento por acaso? Penso que não... portanto fala quando o fizeres. Estares a falar tendo em conta situações de terceiros que nem sabes se é verdade ou não não tem logica nenhuma!
Em relação à BB ser fraude... sabias que eles próprios dizem que não prometem nada? Que não prometem que toda a gente vai ganhar? Que bloqueiam a conta a membros que promovem a BB dizendo que com certeza vão ganhar dinheiro lá?
Penso que não sabias! Mas agora pergunto, posto isto podes dizer que a BB é fraude? Não me parece, se à partida não garante nada a ninguém, então nunca poderá ser rotulada de fraude... pelo menos no meu ponto de vista.
Falando em verdade no link abaixo pode-se ver membros activos e reais da BB que demonstram como a BB já lhes roubou $4297 :
Vá continua a apoiar aqueles que andam a roubar só porque te pagaram um pagamento selectivo...
Eles são mas é mentirosos pois um dia dizem uma coisa e outra dia contradizem e dizem outra! Um dia prometem pagar em 14 dias úteis, noutro a 20 dias, noutro já não prometem nada... Um dia dizem uma coisa, noutro dia outra, passam a vida a mentir e não se deve acreditar minimamente na palavra de mentiros e burloes!
O teu ponto vista é claro! Tu achas que se deve apoiar esse tipo de burloes pois deves ter acordos e parecerias especiais com eles, mas a verdade é que a maioria dos membros da BB não as têm e representam a maioria dos membros que foram burlados e não vão receber qualquer pagamento!
Continuem a bater palmas para esta grande FRAUDE! Eu cá acredito em entidades credíveis e não em meia dúzia de membros desconhecidos como vocês que vêm apoiar e defender essa ladroagem da BB...
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