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Banners Broker
sfarfals2- O tal que clica
- Número de Mensagens : 465
Data de inscrição : 20/11/2012
- Mensagem nº694
Re: Banners Broker
Dadu- Novato
- Número de Mensagens : 107
Data de inscrição : 22/02/2013
- Mensagem nº695
Re: Banners Broker
e os paineis a andar? falaram??
sfarfals2- O tal que clica
- Número de Mensagens : 465
Data de inscrição : 20/11/2012
- Mensagem nº696
Re: Banners Broker
- Spoiler:
- (*) Friday Q&A Webinar:
Chris Smith speaking:
Payout Update:
(Sorry I joined 2 minutes late) Chris was mid-sentence.
... Raises red flags when you try to send over 8 figures in small period of time. We can't send a wire without raising eyebrows. Because of these lmitations, before we were using the BB card.. now we are behind in payouts. Its no secret. What we decided to do is, based on the money sitting in the eWallets, rather than continuing the way we've done and being 8 weeks late.. we have decided to do partial payouts on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, until we get caught up. This will give people a chance to get caught up.
For example, if you withdrew $1,000 and you get a partial payment, this will appear in the log as a partial payment. the theory behind this is the best we have right now, to get the payouts all caught up and get payouts going on a more frequent payment schedule.
This will begin this week. Payza will be first, STP will be next, beginning this week.
We appreciate your patientce. we know people are in need of payouts, and we know this. We understand. Please understand that there are emails that I cannot possibly personally respond to, there are only so many hours in the day.
I understand your problems and we are addressing them as quickly as we can. We are doing all we can do on our side to facilitate this.
Panel Movement:
Last week and this week we had some server problems, and we were able to migrate to a new server. the problem with the new server has to do with how the engine was structured. The BB application (software) version 2.9, there are several components. the sales engine is kind of separated, and once we did the port to the new server, we need to reconnect everythng to work in harmony. this reconnection has not been completed, that's why you have not seen the visal display of the movement. Your ad space sales are moving forward. Your visual display will JUMP to where it needs to be when you are able to see the display visually. Do not worry. The programmers are working on this as fast as they can, and this should be completed at the beginning of the week.
Caching of the System:
You may see weird/strange results. Example: if you qualify a panel and cannot see it properly yet. This is due to server caching. In order to display everything quicker for you, we store this on the server. Server site caching (techy stuff). The negative side of this is that what you may be seeing may not be fresh. It works well on all the other pages, but the panel pages are not working as we planned. We need to adjust this so you can see fresher data as quickly as possible. this is all a load on the server. So if you see anything that doesn't look normal, we are aware of this. I have just explained the global answer to this. We will be relaxing the caching and the display problem will be fixed.
Server uptime:
We are now more stable in our new server. We did have a few blips, caused by the enormous amount of traffic. We should be more stable now and be able to stay up more.
Tickets for Niagara:
Ticket purchases should be available this week coming.
BB Millionaires club awards at the convention. We are looking forward to all the festivities we have planned for you.
Make sure you get your tickets and travel plans and passport taken care of in time to attend.
We mentioned that we will be going live April 1st with the TP allotment, the 1:3 ratio. This has been POSTPONED..
Seeing odd things on your screen: explained the "caching" above.
Bank Deposits for US?? That is available at this point.
Panel movement? explained above.
In order for the complimentary panels to move you have to have active campaigns. You can use a BB campaign and banners.
Is there training on campaigns? we will be having webinars throughout the week for training. Watch your website for these and register.
What is the partial payout? We will divide it out among all waiting payouts.. No set percentage.
Can we buy tickets through eWallet? No, only Credit Card or STP
We want more communication? This is necesary on our part. We attempt to do this as often as possible. This webinar was originally cancelled due to the holiday, but I decided to do it anyway. We are trying to communicate more with members.
Alternative card programs: we are looking at many options. Please send in your suggestions if you have a good option. WE know this needs to happen and will be doing this shortly.
Lots of repeat questions.
Thank you so much. We still have a full house here. we appreciate your time and effort with BB. I wish you all a Happy Easter. STay strong.. keep promoting BB. We love all of you.
end of webinar
drvasco- Desconhecido
- Número de Mensagens : 4
Data de inscrição : 25/02/2013
- Mensagem nº697
Re: Banners Broker
E como andam os pagamentos para Solid?
[img] [/img]
[img] [/img]
Fgold- O tal que clica
- Número de Mensagens : 574
Data de inscrição : 16/08/2012
- Mensagem nº698
Re: Banners Broker
sfarfals2 escreveu:O que tem a ver com a Bannersbroker?
Nada, assim como o modo como conseguiste o package nao tem nada a ver com a BB...xD
Quem quer saber como tu conseguiste o package?
2Ai e tal, sou tao bom que se o programa der certo, ganho dinheiro, se nao der certo, nao perco dinheiro, foi dado"...Who cares??
Metade dos teus posts nao sao sobre a BB, mas sim resumos do que significam as palavras fraude, scam, ponzi.
Agora tb estas no topico da PC a dizer o obvio..lool
O modo como adquiri o package tem tudo a ver com a BB. Os packages não foram oferecido apenas a mim pois esse upline oferece a muitos outros membros que receberem sem pagar nada por isso. Existe muita gente que procura esse tipo de ofertas para tentar a sua sorte sem qualquer risco.
O teu problema é que não tens qualquer coerência no teu discurso. No início perguntaste e estavas curioso sobre se eu estava ou não registado no programa, agora já perguntas sobre quem quer saber disso.... No inicio dizias que isto não era fraude, agora já dizes que é...
Provaste ser um grande mentiroso pois o que dizes hoje já pode ser mentira amanhã... Falta-te coerencia nos teus comentarios.
sfarfals2- O tal que clica
- Número de Mensagens : 465
Data de inscrição : 20/11/2012
- Mensagem nº699
Re: Banners Broker
Estava curioso?
A pergunta era simples, estas inscrito na BB?
Sim / Nao
Mas decidiste dar uma de esperto, tou, mas nao investi dinheiro.
Aconteça o que acontecer, saio sempre a ganhar...
Para quem diz saber o que é uma fraude, quem esta a ser incoerente és tu.
Se isto é uma fraude é suposto eu acreditar que o negocio é legitimo, senao nao era uma fraude, digo eu nao é....
Ninguem oferece package na BB, apenas porque dificilmente irá obter retorno.
Se estas incrito na BB, o mentiroso és tu ao quereres passar por chico esperto que sabe tudo, em que todos os que tao na BB perdem dinheiro menos tu, falta-te humildade.
O que tu fazes só para teres na internet o que nao tens na vida pessoal --> valorizaçao pessoal
Tas registado num forum em que mais de 80% dos temas abordados sao fraudes, e só comentas quando os programas estao a dar o 1º problema..
Vai procurar um psicologo para te tratar disso.
Eu nunca menti sobre a BB.
Nao tenho nenhum pagamento pendente, sempre fui pago, qualquer coisa que disse aqui foi baseada em algo que constatei.
Mas o melhor ainda esta para vir, e vais tirar umas ferias deste topico em breve
Estava curioso?
A pergunta era simples, estas inscrito na BB?
Sim / Nao
Mas decidiste dar uma de esperto, tou, mas nao investi dinheiro.
Aconteça o que acontecer, saio sempre a ganhar...
Para quem diz saber o que é uma fraude, quem esta a ser incoerente és tu.
Se isto é uma fraude é suposto eu acreditar que o negocio é legitimo, senao nao era uma fraude, digo eu nao é....
Ninguem oferece package na BB, apenas porque dificilmente irá obter retorno.
Se estas incrito na BB, o mentiroso és tu ao quereres passar por chico esperto que sabe tudo, em que todos os que tao na BB perdem dinheiro menos tu, falta-te humildade.
O que tu fazes só para teres na internet o que nao tens na vida pessoal --> valorizaçao pessoal
Tas registado num forum em que mais de 80% dos temas abordados sao fraudes, e só comentas quando os programas estao a dar o 1º problema..
Vai procurar um psicologo para te tratar disso.
Eu nunca menti sobre a BB.
Nao tenho nenhum pagamento pendente, sempre fui pago, qualquer coisa que disse aqui foi baseada em algo que constatei.
Mas o melhor ainda esta para vir, e vais tirar umas ferias deste topico em breve
anfil89- O tal que clica
- Número de Mensagens : 443
Localização : Faro
Data de inscrição : 19/06/2012
- Mensagem nº700
Re: Banners Broker
Friday Q&A Webinar:
Chris Smith speaking:
Payout Update:
(Sorry I joined 2 minutes late) Chris was mid-sentence.
... Raises red flags when you try to send over 8 figures in small period of time. We can't send a wire without raising eyebrows. Because of these lmitations, before we were using the BB card.. now we are behind in payouts. Its no secret. What we decided to do is, based on the money sitting in the eWallets, rather than continuing the way we've done and being 8 weeks late.. we have decided to do partial payouts on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, until we get caught up. This will give people a chance to get caught up.
For example, if you withdrew $1,000 and you get a partial payment, this will appear in the log as a partial payment. the theory behind this is the best we have right now, to get the payouts all caught up and get payouts going on a more frequent payment schedule.
This will begin this week. Payza will be first, STP will be next, beginning this week.
We appreciate your patientce. we know people are in need of payouts, and we know this. We understand. Please understand that there are emails that I cannot possibly personally respond to, there are only so many hours in the day.
I understand your problems and we are addressing them as quickly as we can. We are doing all we can do on our side to facilitate this.
Panel Movement:
Last week and this week we had some server problems, and we were able to migrate to a new server. the problem with the new server has to do with how the engine was structured. The BB application (software) version 2.9, there are several components. the sales engine is kind of separated, and once we did the port to the new server, we need to reconnect everythng to work in harmony. this reconnection has not been completed, that's why you have not seen the visal display of the movement. Your ad space sales are moving forward. Your visual display will JUMP to where it needs to be when you are able to see the display visually. Do not worry. The programmers are working on this as fast as they can, and this should be completed at the beginning of the week.
Caching of the System:
You may see weird/strange results. Example: if you qualify a panel and cannot see it properly yet. This is due to server caching. In order to display everything quicker for you, we store this on the server. Server site caching (techy stuff). The negative side of this is that what you may be seeing may not be fresh. It works well on all the other pages, but the panel pages are not working as we planned. We need to adjust this so you can see fresher data as quickly as possible. this is all a load on the server. So if you see anything that doesn't look normal, we are aware of this. I have just explained the global answer to this. We will be relaxing the caching and the display problem will be fixed.
Server uptime:
We are now more stable in our new server. We did have a few blips, caused by the enormous amount of traffic. We should be more stable now and be able to stay up more.
Tickets for Niagara:
Ticket purchases should be available this week coming.
BB Millionaires club awards at the convention. We are looking forward to all the festivities we have planned for you.
Make sure you get your tickets and travel plans and passport taken care of in time to attend.
We mentioned that we will be going live April 1st with the TP allotment, the 1:3 ratio. This has been POSTPONED..
Seeing odd things on your screen: explained the "caching" above.
Bank Deposits for US?? That is available at this point.
Panel movement? explained above.
In order for the complimentary panels to move you have to have active campaigns. You can use a BB campaign and banners.
Is there training on campaigns? we will be having webinars throughout the week for training. Watch your website for these and register.
What is the partial payout? We will divide it out among all waiting payouts.. No set percentage.
Can we buy tickets through eWallet? No, only Credit Card or STP
We want more communication? This is necesary on our part. We attempt to do this as often as possible. This webinar was originally cancelled due to the holiday, but I decided to do it anyway. We are trying to communicate more with members.
Alternative card programs: we are looking at many options. Please send in your suggestions if you have a good option. WE know this needs to happen and will be doing this shortly.
Lots of repeat questions.
Thank you so much. We still have a full house here. we appreciate your time and effort with BB. I wish you all a Happy Easter. STay strong.. keep promoting BB. We love all of you.
end of webinar
Chris Smith speaking:
Payout Update:
(Sorry I joined 2 minutes late) Chris was mid-sentence.
... Raises red flags when you try to send over 8 figures in small period of time. We can't send a wire without raising eyebrows. Because of these lmitations, before we were using the BB card.. now we are behind in payouts. Its no secret. What we decided to do is, based on the money sitting in the eWallets, rather than continuing the way we've done and being 8 weeks late.. we have decided to do partial payouts on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, until we get caught up. This will give people a chance to get caught up.
For example, if you withdrew $1,000 and you get a partial payment, this will appear in the log as a partial payment. the theory behind this is the best we have right now, to get the payouts all caught up and get payouts going on a more frequent payment schedule.
This will begin this week. Payza will be first, STP will be next, beginning this week.
We appreciate your patientce. we know people are in need of payouts, and we know this. We understand. Please understand that there are emails that I cannot possibly personally respond to, there are only so many hours in the day.
I understand your problems and we are addressing them as quickly as we can. We are doing all we can do on our side to facilitate this.
Panel Movement:
Last week and this week we had some server problems, and we were able to migrate to a new server. the problem with the new server has to do with how the engine was structured. The BB application (software) version 2.9, there are several components. the sales engine is kind of separated, and once we did the port to the new server, we need to reconnect everythng to work in harmony. this reconnection has not been completed, that's why you have not seen the visal display of the movement. Your ad space sales are moving forward. Your visual display will JUMP to where it needs to be when you are able to see the display visually. Do not worry. The programmers are working on this as fast as they can, and this should be completed at the beginning of the week.
Caching of the System:
You may see weird/strange results. Example: if you qualify a panel and cannot see it properly yet. This is due to server caching. In order to display everything quicker for you, we store this on the server. Server site caching (techy stuff). The negative side of this is that what you may be seeing may not be fresh. It works well on all the other pages, but the panel pages are not working as we planned. We need to adjust this so you can see fresher data as quickly as possible. this is all a load on the server. So if you see anything that doesn't look normal, we are aware of this. I have just explained the global answer to this. We will be relaxing the caching and the display problem will be fixed.
Server uptime:
We are now more stable in our new server. We did have a few blips, caused by the enormous amount of traffic. We should be more stable now and be able to stay up more.
Tickets for Niagara:
Ticket purchases should be available this week coming.
BB Millionaires club awards at the convention. We are looking forward to all the festivities we have planned for you.
Make sure you get your tickets and travel plans and passport taken care of in time to attend.
We mentioned that we will be going live April 1st with the TP allotment, the 1:3 ratio. This has been POSTPONED..
Seeing odd things on your screen: explained the "caching" above.
Bank Deposits for US?? That is available at this point.
Panel movement? explained above.
In order for the complimentary panels to move you have to have active campaigns. You can use a BB campaign and banners.
Is there training on campaigns? we will be having webinars throughout the week for training. Watch your website for these and register.
What is the partial payout? We will divide it out among all waiting payouts.. No set percentage.
Can we buy tickets through eWallet? No, only Credit Card or STP
We want more communication? This is necesary on our part. We attempt to do this as often as possible. This webinar was originally cancelled due to the holiday, but I decided to do it anyway. We are trying to communicate more with members.
Alternative card programs: we are looking at many options. Please send in your suggestions if you have a good option. WE know this needs to happen and will be doing this shortly.
Lots of repeat questions.
Thank you so much. We still have a full house here. we appreciate your time and effort with BB. I wish you all a Happy Easter. STay strong.. keep promoting BB. We love all of you.
end of webinar
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